The Maastricht International Aeronautic Society (MIAS.Aero)

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2012 - today :

    Final flight FAF Mirage F1, France, PTISI Flight&Space, September 2014, 2 pages. Download article in PDF

    Cruzex 2013, Brazil, Combat Aircraft monthly, February 2014, 6 pages. Download article in PDF

    Cruzex 2013, Brazil, PTISI Flight&Space, January 2014, 8 pages. Download article in PDF

    Angel Thunder exercise : Davis-Monthan, AZ USA, Combat Aircraft monthly, August 2013, 6 pages. Download article in PDF

    Angel Thunder exercise : Davis-Monthan, Arizona USA, IAPR, Volume 28, 10 pages. Download article in PDF

    Tigermeet Artic Tiger ; Orland Norway, PTISI Flight&Space, January 2013, 8 pages. Download article in PDF

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    Fortele Aeriene Romane, IAPR, Volume 27, 22 pages & front cover. Download article in PDF

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